
Friday, April 24, 2015

6 Things You May Not Know About Me

1.  I'm a Veteran.  I proudly served 5 years in the Air Force before returning home to be closer to my family.  I think about my time in the service everyday and feel blessed to have met good people along the way.

2.  I have 5 brothers and sisters.  I'm the middle child...always trying to keep the peace.  My mom raised us on her own with very little money or support.  Now that I'm an adult I have no idea how she did it.  I try to tell her I appreciate her as much as I can.

3.  I could sail a boat before I knew how to drive a car.  My dad was Navy and he taught me how to sail a boat.  I have the best childhood memories at sea.

4.  I love pizza & ice cream.  No explanation needed.

5.  I secretly want to to be in a bikini competition.  I have only worn a bikini once and I put a tank top over it!  I know I should be proud of my body but it's so much exposed skin!  Either way I daydream about walking across a stage with confidence.  Sometimes, I look up the requirements to do it and never apply.

6.  My dream is to one day retire by the beach and paint sunsets.  Believe me when I say I'm a long way off from beach livin'.  But it's something I don't plan to let go of.

I would like to know more about you.  Please share two things about yourself in the comments!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Birds at Sea - Visual Journal Progress

I'm a navy brat.  I grew up by the water and it's just a part of our family.  Now we have to drive about 4 hours to get to the beach.  I really miss it.  I remember collecting feathers, shells, and rocks along the shore.  The waves were the best part.  Some days we would be out there all day long. There is a lake about an hour away and I'm hoping we can visit more often this summer.

In my last post (hummingbird)I shared the inside of a tag page I'd been working on.  I kinda felt like I had a break through.  Sometimes I feel like "is my artwork going anywhere"?

And the answer is yes!  I do feel like I'm gaining momentum.  I can honestly see the benefits from the 30-Day Doodle and 30-Day Painting challenges.  I created a freebies tab on my blog.  There your can find the 30-Day Painting challenge, check it out as I will be adding more soon.

I'm in the middle of writing an E-Course which seems a bit intimidating.  I've taught art classes in person but never online.  My computer skills are so-so and it's something I'm trying to work around.  

Monday's Post: (click photo)
visual journal page

How do you feel about your artwork?  I'd love to hear.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Completed Visual Journal Page - Hummingbird

hummingbird painting art journal

This page from last week is all done.  I remember when I used to draw something and the painting looked nothing like sketch.  I tried to remain calm during the painting process.  Sometimes I panic, so I keep my reference photos close to guide me along.

hummingbird painting

Each painting is like solving a puzzle.  You have to keep trying pieces until they fit.  The more I paint the more I learn about myself and what I like.  I remember being stuck in my cubicle thinking  "I should be outside right now".

hummingbird painting art journal page

When I came to the backside of the tag I had this complex design in mind but it looked forced.  I photographed these flowers on my last was odd how they were dead while everything else was just blooming.

Well, hope you have a good day!

Linking to Paint Party Friday.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Mixed Media Tags

Mixed Media Tags

I have a few projects going on right now.  These tags have been patiently waiting on my desk for attention.  Hopefully you are able to see through my scribbly sketches. 

Mixed Media Tags

I set the timer to 15 minutes for each sketch.  This forced me to put down the first thing that came to mind and then move on.  I plan to add paint so they probably won't look the same once I'm finished.

Mixed Media Tags

We are off to a gloomy weekend here so I'm off to watch more Alias on Netflix! :)

Friday, April 3, 2015

Work In Progress - Hidden Tag Pages

sketchbook WIP

Last week work was so crazy.  I didn't have a lot of time in my sketchbook.  The page on the left is further along and I feel good about it so I decided to share it today.

Art Journal Page - Hidden Tag

I used tags and washi tape to create hidden pages.  Spring inspired of course.

I like to use a white charcoal pencil to sketch out my ideas (and to make corrections).  If it doesn't work I can just wipe it away. 

Do you have a WIP?  Please share!

See my tips for Painting Everyday

Sharing with Paint Party FridayArt Journal Every DayCreative Every Day

Click here to see the completed page.