
Friday, April 24, 2015

6 Things You May Not Know About Me

1.  I'm a Veteran.  I proudly served 5 years in the Air Force before returning home to be closer to my family.  I think about my time in the service everyday and feel blessed to have met good people along the way.

2.  I have 5 brothers and sisters.  I'm the middle child...always trying to keep the peace.  My mom raised us on her own with very little money or support.  Now that I'm an adult I have no idea how she did it.  I try to tell her I appreciate her as much as I can.

3.  I could sail a boat before I knew how to drive a car.  My dad was Navy and he taught me how to sail a boat.  I have the best childhood memories at sea.

4.  I love pizza & ice cream.  No explanation needed.

5.  I secretly want to to be in a bikini competition.  I have only worn a bikini once and I put a tank top over it!  I know I should be proud of my body but it's so much exposed skin!  Either way I daydream about walking across a stage with confidence.  Sometimes, I look up the requirements to do it and never apply.

6.  My dream is to one day retire by the beach and paint sunsets.  Believe me when I say I'm a long way off from beach livin'.  But it's something I don't plan to let go of.

I would like to know more about you.  Please share two things about yourself in the comments!


  1. 1. I am an emerging artist...not a starving one
    2. I look forward to your posts! They are so inspiring and encouraging!

    1. This comment made my day! Maria thank you so much for coming to hang out with me every week. I really appreciate it!

  2. I just happened to your blog today (via DecoArt). So I have been reading it backwards. From what I have seen till now (reality of course after you posted this...) your talent would be absolutely wasted painting seasides and sunsets. You are terrific with painting faces. They all have character, they are really different people (and not just clones - like you see in so many blogs). Thank you! I will continue my reading journey backwards through time, but I just wanted to tell you this. Keep it up!
