
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Favorite Posts from 2014

Clockwise: 5 way to complete your art journal; 30 Day Painting Challenge -  Week 429 Faces Day 1;
12 Tags of 2014; 30 Day Doodle Challenge

I would like to make my blog better for the upcoming year.  Can you please take a few minutes to take a quick survey I created to give me some feedback?  It would be much appreciated!

I have had a very creative year and I am so thankful you have decided to take time out to share it with me.  I wish nothing but the best for you in 2015!

Friday, December 26, 2014

30 Day Painting Challenge - Week 4

Hi friends, this week took me back to art school.  I remember it would take me forever to finish one painting.  On the weekends you could find me in the studios late at night.  I wouldn't even get up to eat or use the bathroom.

I'm better about taking breaks now (maybe too many) and I definitely took my sweet time this week.  #13 - Ocean landscape with dry-brushed clouds.

#14 - Where do all the lonely socks go?  If anyone knows please tell me!  Sadly, after this page was done I threw the sock right back in the drawer :)

Did you all make something this week or did you just relax?

Sharing with Paint Party Friday & Creative Every Day To see weeks 1, 2 & 3 click here.  The 30 day list is in the side bar.  If you decide to do the challenge please let me know and join me on my FB group I would love to have all of you.

Friday, December 19, 2014

30 Day Painting Challenge - Week 3

I will call week 3 of my 30 day painting challenge a success!  At this point I will have to spill into January but who cares.  I'll be painting for the rest of my life anyway :)

#9 - Stargazing.  I made up the color palette as I went along.  I didn't use straight white.  I watered it down and gradually built it up in glazes.

#10 - Abstract finger painting.  If you are feeling stressed or uninspired please do a finger painting!   It was so relaxing and came together very quickly.

#11 - Fox.  Whatever doesn't kill you makes you want to scream!?! I had the hardest time with the fur and felt like abandoning this one.  I found a YouTube video that helped 
with adding the fur, click here.

#12 - Purple rose garden.  I couldn't make up my mind about the background so I changed it a few times.  I love the texture of thick paint.

To see weeks 1 & 2 click here.  The 30 day list is in the side bar.  If you decide to do the challenge please let me know and join me on my FB group I would love to have all of you.  Sharing with Paint Party Friday, Friday SketchesArt Journal Everyday & Creative Every Day

Friday, December 12, 2014

30 Day Painting Challenge - Week 2

I only have three paintings to share this week.  It seems as though the more I paint the longer I spend on each one (part of the reason I'm running behind).  I use reference photos and a bit of my own imagination.

Note:  I clean my workspace after each session so it's easier to come back and paint the next day.  

#6 - Snow scene with birch trees.  The right side is how I keep track of my colors.

#7 - Pink Jellyfish.  I had a question on Facebook about the brushes I used on this painting.

Background - 3/4 in flat brush - 1/2 angled shader brush (to blend colors)
Top of jellyfish - #6 round - 1/2 angled shader brush (for clean edges)
Tentacles - #5 round brush  - #3 liner brush

I use both synthetic and sable hair brushes. 

#8 - Driftwood

The 30 Day Painting Challenge list is in the side bar if you would like to take a go at it.  Click here to see Week 1.  I post everyday on my Tumblr & Instagram.  Use #30daypaintingchallenge if you decide to paint!  If you love to paint please leave my your link down in the comments!

Friday, December 5, 2014

30 Day Painting Challenge - Week 1

Good Morning,
I'm here with week 1 of my 30 day painting challenge (the full list is in the side bar) and it was not exactly a smooth ride.  The days I work late are the hardest but I want painting to eventually be my full-time job so determined to put in the work.

I'm just working in my journal right now because I want to start small.  Whenever I start a work on canvas I have no idea what to do.  At the end of 30 days I won't have everything figured out but I will be more comfortable in my own space.

Now on to the paintings....

Day #2 - My typical breakfast.

Day #3 - Fall leaves from my backyard.

Day #4 - My favorite insect.

Day #5 - Playing with black drips.  Watercolor and acrylic.

Please take a look at the list and see if its something you would like to try.  You could even do a painting a week.  I have a Facebook group where I post everyday and hope to see you all there to post your own work.  I also post daily in my Instagram and Tumblr!

Monday, December 1, 2014

30 Day Painting Challenge - Day 1

Happy December!  I hope everyone had a great holiday, I know I did!  Today is day one of the 30 day painting challenge for me and I wanted start off on the right foot.  You can start anytime you want in any medium of your choosing.  If you would like to see my initial post for the challenge please click here.  The 30 day list will always be in the side bar. 

I have received such positive feedback that I decided to start a Facebook group where we can all post our daily paintings.  Day 28 is missing :( but you can choose whatever you want to do for that day.

I will be posting at the end of each week here on my blog and daily on Facebook.  If you post on Instagram or Twitter use #30daypaintingchallenge so we can find each other.

I'm working in a 5.5 x 8in Strathmore watercolor Visual Journal.  The pages are small and manageable for everyday painting.

You are looking at my 2nd attempt since my first try was not so great.  I'm not going for perfection just progress.  I couldn't sleep last night so I finished about 2am.

TIP: Ultramarine blue and raw umber make a nice black (or shadow color).

If you are joining the challenge please leave me a comment and let me know.  I'm thrilled to have you and good luck!