
Friday, November 14, 2014

30 Day Doodle Challenge - Final Week

Yay!!! I made it! I actually finished something I started.  It wasn't easy but it was worth it.  Instead of talking about each page I wanted to share what I learned from this challenge.

Click here to see all four weeks. 

1.  I waste way too much time on the internet and playing with 
my phone (this time will now be spent making art).

2.  With time and patience I can draw just about anything I want.  
I noticed after the first week I give up on projects way too soon.

3.  Making a weekly plan each Sunday allowed me to spread out the work load.  I was then able tackle each day as opposed to trying to figure things out last minute.

I feel like I'm ready to move on to my next project whatever that may be.

Until next time...stay warm!


  1. Great attitude and love the sketches, especially the fish. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Love these pieces Danielle. Sketching has never come easy for me. I have to work at it. I envy those people who can pick up a pencil and get it right the first time. But thats not me. I work hard for what i achieve in the end. And i've learned to accept that and sometimes even embrace it as after all that hard work there is a little bit of me in every sketch. Hugs! deb

    1. I don't get it right the first time either! Thank goodness for the eraser and the trash can! I agree the work might not be perfect but its ours. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Danielle - yes indeed, you can draw anything. I like your sketches! I like your idea of planning your art throughout the week. I hope that works for you. (I'm visiting from Friday Sketches!)

  4. I just love your door - such mystery!

  5. Stopping over from LearntoBlog fb group. So glad you made it through to the end of your 30 day challenge. That is hard for most of us to do. :-) Love your artwork!

  6. Oh wow, love this post and love the lessons you learnt! Especially lesson 3! Need to remind myself to do that. Your sketches are beautiful. Congrats on finishing the challenge!

    1. Thank you! I plan to share what I use to plan my week very soon.

  7. I love all of your art especially the goldfish! I am so glad that you realized you can draw anything because now everyone will get to enjoy your beautiful art! Way to go!

  8. LOVE your sketches! Happy PPF - Irma

  9. Drawing daily is the best habit. I carry my sketchbook with me and whip it out whenever I am sitting waiting! Your sketches are great!

  10. Wow these are some impressive doodles
