
Monday, March 31, 2014

Moleskine Monday - Up In the Clouds

I am on a quest to paint clouds.

My simple approach is to paint the background, let it dry and then use white for the clouds.

Paintings don't aways turn out the way I want but I learn something new each time.

The stars above were painted with a paint brush and the ones below were splattered with watered down acrylic paint.  I prefer the splatters.

I have pinned a bunch of clouds here. Take a look if you need reference photos!

I plan to do more very soon.  Click here to see more of my Moleskine.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How I Draw a Face in 3/4 View

Over past week and a half I've been sketching tiny faces.  I thought this would be a good time to attack the dreaded 3/4 view.  There are tons of tutorials out there but I was still having so much trouble.  As you will see some of my drawings are stiff and lifeless.  I wanted to share some tips I now use to draw my girls in 3/4 view.  Disclaimer: this is how I like to drawings are stylized illustrations.

How to draw a face in 3/4 view

First, let me take you through my sketches.  I started my drawings in front view to warm up.  You can see the third girl on the first page has a flat chin.  I kept the drawing and made notes so I could see where I was going wrong.  


TIP: Don't erase your sketches - make notes and track your progress.  

When I got to the girls looking up and down I watched this vid on YouTube which helped me a lot!  Alphonso Dunn is a great artist and teacher.  I used some other general guidelines found here and here


The third page has some funky head shapes.  The second girl I wrote 'face shape wrong.'  I feel like there is enough room for the features I just didn't like her jaw.  I like the hair on that page and plan to practice more.  

On page four I had two girls with frozen faces and pouty lips.  The girl on the bottom left was the last I drew on that page and noticed that if I start with a circle and NOT an oval the features seem to wrap around the head.  When I draw an oval the face tends to be flat. 


Page five came out some much better then the rest.  So, I noticed that my biggest problem area was the inside eye.  Inside eye meaning the eye which is partially hidden by the nose or farthest away.  If I can get that curve of the face right I'm able to set myself up for success.  

Below I am using the shape of the bean to act as the eye socket and cheek.  
I draw a bean shape inside of a circle.
Make my guidelines for the facial features closest to the side with my curve.
  Elongate the chin and forehead.
Lightly draw eyes, nose, and mouth.
Connect the nose bridge to the inside eyebrow.
Define eyebrows and square out jawline. 

Drawing the face is a gradual process for me.  I erase, move, and make curves until I like what I see.  Use a model or good large photo reference.  Don't forget to add shading and highlights.  Please comment below if this was helpful or if you have questions!  

Like on Bloglovin, share post on Facebook and I guess I'm on Twitter now (don't know how to use it)!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Moleskine Monday - My Full Potential

I think potential means a chance for positive growth.  I hope that one day I can make a living solely off of my artwork.  I have a few goals I set for myself this year.  Even if I don't get them accomplished at least I know that I'm moving in the right direction.

1.  I plan to work as many craft fairs this summer as I can.  
2.  Submit at least two projects a month to magazines to be published.
3.  Sponsor a blog to make connections and grow my blog.
4.  Complete one large painting a month for a family member. (I have been telling them for years I would paint something but never came through).
5.  Oh, and get business cards!

Do you have any art goals this year?

I completed this silhouette a while back but never shared it.  At first, I thought my drawing of the figure was not that great but the more I played in the paint the more I liked the shape.  
It's the imperfections that make it much more engaging. 

I got my first feature in Somerset Apprentice Magazine this month!  
Please check it out!  It's on display until 5.31.14!

Shared with Paint Party Friday, Creative Every Day, Paper Saturdays, Art Journal Every Day 

Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

DIY Flower Petal Pencil Holder

So, I have a board on Pinterest called DIY Maybe.  Up until now I have yet to create anything noteworthy but I liked the way this project came out so I thought I would share. Yesterday, I went to the dollar store and picked up clear plastic spoons and fake roses.  The instructions are simple...glue petals to the spoons and then glue to the jar.  The original project can be seen here.  My mom saves old glass peach jars for me and I thought the shape was perfect.

I used the large petals from four roses to fill the majority of the jar.  I used the smaller petals to fill in the gaps.  I want to make a few more but I plan to use better quality roses.  If you are heavy on the hot glue it will show through the cheap petals.

Have you created anything Pinterest inspired?  Leave me a link in the comments below!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Burlap Tags & Landscape Paintings

I've been painting tiny landscapes for the past week.  Burlap is not the easiest surface to paint on but I love the texture so much I get drawn in.  I'm looking forward to spending more time outside, in the WARM weather :)  This batch of tags are done and are available in the shop.

What do you like to paint when it's cold out?